The first inquiry is in April 2022, customer has arranged a third party to do a factory inspection, and they are very satisfied with our factory. So the first deal is in November 2022, including 36sets of Ø630mm×200mm wheels sets, 24 sets of DRS250 wheel blocks, 3 sets of cabin room, and rubber bumper, after the customer received the first 3 sets of cabin room, they are quite satisfied with our quality, so they ordered this new 4 sets cabin room in April 2023. This cabin room is specially designed, with a gross weight of 1620kg.
Below are the finished cabin room pictures:
Below are the loading pictures:
Loaded by 40HQ container, railway shipment.
If you have any need for crane parts, feel free to contact us. Please let us use our expertise to solve your professional problem!
Zora Zhao
Expert in Overhead Crane/Gantry Crane/Jib Crane/Crane Parts Solutions
With 10+ years of experience in the Crane Overseas Export Industry, helped 10,000+ customers with their pre-sales questions and concerns, if you have any related needs, please feel free to contact me!
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