3 ton Monorail Overhead Crane Delivered to Fiji

January 10, 2025
3 ton Monorail Crane Delivered to Fiji

Crane Specifications: Monorail crane
Country: Fiji
Capacity:3 ton
Lifting height: 6m
Hoisting speed: 8m/min
Traveling speed: 20m/min
Traveling length: 50m

Our client, the operator of a well-known supermarket chain, came to us with a clear and specific requirement for a crane solution. They needed a system that could lift goods from the ground floor to the first floor and efficiently transport them to the storage room. To ensure we fully understood their needs, the client provided a detailed sketch of the crane, outlining the key dimensions and functionalities.

After carefully reviewing the information, our team of engineers worked diligently to design a custom monorail overhead crane that would meet all of these requirements, ensuring smooth and safe operations within their facility.

Three days after we sent the quotation, the client reached out, expressing their satisfaction not only with the design but also with the competitive pricing we offered. The prompt approval led to a swift agreement, and a contract was signed shortly thereafter. We are excited to begin manufacturing the crane, and we are confident that it will significantly improve the efficiency of their internal logistics. We look forward to supporting our client's operations and building a long-term partnership with them.

Here is a photo from the delivery site.

3 ton Monorail Crane Delivered to Fiji 1

We understand that every client's needs are unique, which is why we are committed to providing tailored solutions that help improve operational efficiency. If you have similar requirements, feel free to contact our team. We will design the most suitable lifting equipment based on your specific needs, ensuring greater efficiency and safety for your business.

Zora Zhao

Zora Zhao

Expert in Overhead Crane/Gantry Crane/Jib Crane/Crane Parts Solutions

With 10+ years of experience in the Crane Overseas Export Industry, helped 10,000+ customers with their pre-sales questions and concerns, if you have any related needs, please feel free to contact me!

WhatsApp: +86 158 3611 5029
Email: zorazhao@dgcrane.com
DGCRANE,Monorail Overhead Crane